The FMCSA Safety and Fitness Electronic Records (SAFER) System offers company safety data and related services to industry and the public over the Internet. Users can search FMCSA databases, register for a USDOT number, pay fines online, order company safety profiles, challenge FMCSA data using the DataQs system, access the Hazardous Material Route registry, obtain National Crash and Out of Service rates for Hazmat Permit Registration, get printable registration forms and find information about other FMCSA Information Systems.
Access is provided free of charge to the Company Snapshot, a concise electronic record of a company’s identification, size, commodity information, and safety record, including the safety rating (if any), a roadside out-of-service inspection summary, and crash information. The company snapshot is available via an ad-hoc query (one carrier at a time).
Also, Read What is FMCSA? USA DOT

What does SAFER Include? (Benefits/Importance/Uses):
SAFER Database
SAFER is developed, maintained, and hosted by the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. SAFER uses carrier information from existing government motor carrier safety databases. Presently, it consists of interstate carrier data and several states' intrastate data, and interstate vehicle registration data. Operational data such as inspections and crashes are generally only presented for interstate carriers, but plans are to include them for the intrastate carriers at a later time. Read more about What Exactly is CSA Score (FMCSA DOT BASICs)
Intelligent Transportation System
The SAFER system is a component of the Department of Transportation's Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) which is being designed to increase roadway safety, reduce motorist delays and air pollution, and improve the overall productivity of commercial vehicle operations (CVO) through the use of advanced technology. Find out What is a Good CSA Score? How to Improve my CSA Score (FMCSA)
Roadside Inspection Systems, CVISN, PRISM, and SAFETYNET Users
The SAFER system includes the capability to provide carrier, vehicle, and driver safety and credential information to fixed and mobile roadside inspection stations and SAFETYNET installations, along with systems operated by individual States participating in the CVISN and PRISM programs. This information allows the roadside inspector to select vehicles and/or drivers for inspection based on the number of prior carrier inspections, as well as carrier, vehicle, and driver safety and credential historical information. Explore further: What is Reckless Driving? Is it a Criminal Offense? (Simplified)
Electronic Screening
The SAFER system supports electronic screening of commercial vehicles in order to allow Law Enforcement personnel to focus their efforts on vehicles most likely to fail inspection. Read more about the Top 7 Essential Road Safety Rules for Drivers
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